Obesity solutions : Best solutions for obesity.

Trying to teach adults how to lose weight is almost as effective as the teaching of domestic cats to swim obesity solutions. For most people, diets simply do not work. The latest evidence: a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine examined the diets with different proportions of carbohydrates solutions for obesity, proteins and fats. As expected, no matter what type of diet people follow; if they cut calories, lose weight initially obesity solutions.
But after two years, participants have taken the average weight solutions for obesity, leaving them with a net loss of only 9 pounds. . . and a way to find later. A similar study published in 2007 also found that diet gained weight regardless of diet obesity solutions.

Certainly, a small part of the diet are able to lose weight; about 15 percent of participants in the latter study the NEJM fell at least 10 percent of their body weight obesity solutions.
There may be something to learn by observing how they differ from the participants in the study solutions for obesity, perhaps simply better or more time to get to advise less successful. But in the search for a comprehensive obesity causes and solutions and cost-effective solution to the problem of obesity base, some wonder whether the field requires a significant change in attitude obesity solutions.

"[It is a] basic instinct, even stronger than the sexual instinct, to store calories to survive the next period of starvation solutions for obesity, says Martin Katan of the Institute of Health Sciences at VU University Amsterdam, who wrote an editorial NEJM as well as the study of food in the most recent obesity solutions. "And we live in an environment where food every half mile.

It is tasty, cheap, convenient, and you can eat with one hand, "he said. In this context, he argues, the individual treatment, if it focuses on ingredients or food habits, it is often unnecessary obesity solutions.

He and others, including the researcher Barry Popkin Obesity, insist that more research funds will be directed to community efforts that address the problem from various angles to study: Cities obesity causes and solutions could build more roads and playgrounds bike obesity solutions, students can get an education physics in schools, nutritionally empty foods could be taxed to discourage consumption, families can access free advice obesity solutions.

The point is not that any of these measures have been shown to work so that should be done at the national level, but they must be studied. "It really works, if you look cold, scientific way?" Katan calls obesity solutions.

There has been some preliminary research suggesting that the great efforts of the community can help obesity solutions. Program in two small towns in France, was well described by Katan in its editorial: "Everyone from the mayor to shop owners associations, teachers, doctors, pharmacists solutions for obesity, caterers, restaurants, sports, media, scientists and various branches of city government joined in an effort to encourage children to eat better and move more obesity solutions.
" Inspired by the evidence that it works to reduce the prevalence of overweight and solutions for obesity improve the health of adults and a broader obesity causes and solutions program called EPODE being deployed in France and elsewhere in Europe. While EPODE is promising, more research is needed to see if a community approach works and how it can be implemented outside of Europe obesity solutions.

This is particularly true in the United States obesity solutions, where the individualistic culture supports the idea that obesity is more a matter of personal responsibility and less regulation requiring industry and other major policy changes obesity causes and solutions.

"It's great that people are responsible, but we must make it easy for them," says Marlene Schwartz solutions for obesity, deputy director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University obesity solutions. "We have to create an environment that  facilitates accountability." He said that after training as a clinical psychologist and the study of therapeutic techniques for the treatment of disorders such as binge eating solutions for obesity, she came to believe that "a very small percentage of the problem of obesity is caused by emotional disturbances and that the largest contributor is the environment obesity solutions. So I changed my research to a policy change. "

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