Stomach burn : A better and easier way to burn stomach

That cardio on an empty stomach can accelerate fat loss is a frequently discussed topic Fitness.

Some believe in fasting cardio is more effective for fat burning, while others believe it may decrease performance and limit fat loss stomach burn.

Who is right? Then you will be informed of what the research has to say on the subject and offer reasons for exercising engine led to increased fat full autonomy.

Fasting Cardio burns more fat during exercise

Two sources of fuel, carbohydrates and fats are used to produce energy for muscle contraction during exercise stomach burn. For an endurance race on a moderate-intensity exercise, you get 50-60% of the energy needed glycogen and the rest of the fat (carbohydrate energy is stored).

When glycogen stores are depleted by fasting overnight stomach burn, or go several hours without refueling, fatty acids are broken down in the mitochondria to be used as a secondary energy source. As the intensity of training increases your confidence in carbohydrates increases stomach burn.

In a study that evaluated the effect of fat burning cardio on an empty stomach, six healthy men cycled for 60 minutes at a low to moderate intensity: 1

Group 1 fasted overnight before cycling.

Group 2 - played cycling after ingesting 0.8g/kg glucose or fructose to replenish glycogen levels 1 hour before training stomach burn.

Results: After 20 to 30 minutes of exercise, fat burning rate was higher in the fasted group than in the group of glucose or fructose. This trend continued for 50 to 60 minutes of exercise stomach burn. There was also a large amount of free fatty acids (FFA flows) fasting blood available throughout the year.

The takeaway: This particular study suggests that more fat is burned by the group that carried out a moderate activity on an empty stomach ... DURING the exercise itself stomach burn.

So if you do cardio on an empty stomach?
Not so fast. Notice how "moderate" emphasizes exercise in the previous example? Research shows that people burn fat during your workouts actually burn less fat than the rest of the day stomach burn. Overtime, fat burning is not an immediate process, but is produced in, and not a few hours, but a few days .. As you burn more carbohydrate during training, the body will burn more fat after exercise. This "after burn effect" when your metabolism is high for several hours or days of training is essential when talking about the benefits of fasting cardio stomach burn. While you can burn more fat during your workout on an empty stomach, its global production lower.2 training is the ability of your body to burn fat after exercise is compromised stomach burn. considers the entire 24-hour period and cardio on an empty stomach is less effective.3

Financial support provided evidence

Italian researchers have studied whether training in a fasted state improves weight loss reports stomach burn. 8 healthy young men made slow cardio morning under 2 conditions: 4

1. Empty Stomach

February. Having eaten

Eat both increased oxygen consumption (VO2) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) significantly after 12 hours of cardio, VO2 was even higher for the group who had eaten, but RER was significantly lower in the test of EDF , indicating an increased fat burning stomach burn.

The group that ate before the meeting continued moderate cardio burn more calories 24 hours after training stomach burn. The authors concluded that "when moderate endurance exercise is done to lose body fat, fasting before exercise does not promote the use of lipids (fats) usage, rather, physical activity after a light meal is advisable. "5 See this article for more information on ideas pre-workout meal stomach burn.

High intensity cardio on an empty stomach can Burn Out
During intense exercise approaches its maximum effort, most of its energy comes from glycogen. If glycogen stores are depleted, you undertakes its energy production. As glycogen in the muscles and liver are depleted, and the level of blood glucose begins to fall stomach burn, fatigue, lack of coordination, dizziness and lack of concentration can occur.6 Commonly called "hitting the wall" or "boning "fat simply can not be metabolized fast enough to support the higher rate, so slow down or even stop stomach burn.

Although research and studies are still ongoing, there are some certainties. The steady state could fasted cardio burn more fat during training stomach burn, but his post-workout burn fat is compromised. During high intensity cardio exercise, glycogen levels need to be restored to optimum performance and results stomach burn.
Doing cardio on an empty stomach, if you are not able to maintain sufficient levels of energy, your workout will suffer stomach burn.

Always choose energy and sustainability in anything else. Even early in the morning, take a protein shake, fruit or a handful of the mixture to help your body use efficient sources of energy to fuel your workout stomach burn.

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