Physical fitness exercises : Best tips for you

The following exercises are a great way to travel with family. Pennington and halls physical fitness exercises, two competing in weight loss families Family Challenge, performed these activities in its first fitness competition. They only need a few pieces of equipment to get you started. Complete each exercise, then try the exercise again in a week. See if you can make faster and better as they progress week physical fitness exercises.

These are tests that assess initial fitness levels of basic aptitude for endurance, speed, strength, flexibility and balance physical fitness exercises. This information is useful to have in the beginning of your training program. You can use these tests to continuously assess progress in these areas. It's fun and rewarding to see your improvements as you continue to raise the bar and constantly increase your fitness level. As your fitness level increases kilos are coming out physical fitness exercises, you bring more of your goals realistic!

These physical tests / assessments containers are designed so that you can create and carry out these tests anywhere, including your own backyard at any time with a minimum of equipment physical fitness exercises.

The only equipment you need is a timer (a watch with a second hand to do) a standard chair, a solid wall and a stud physical fitness exercises. You will need a tape measure or the odometer of the car and allows testing and measuring walking speed if you are not on a track or in a pre-measured field physical fitness exercises.

 For the medley relay and obstacle course physical fitness exercises, you need a football, a basketball and a jump rope. Remember the time of each activity so you can compare your time to repeat the event at a later date physical fitness exercises.

** Remember that these are estimates of your current fitness level. Use your common sense and be careful not to exceed their limits in a day or a specific time. If you feel pain at any time during the activity test / evaluation cease immediately physical fitness exercises. Pain is the way your body communication. Safety is always the number one concern in any fitness activity.

Here is the list of test events, components of each test condition evaluates and brief instructions on the test are administration physical fitness exercises.These fun and creative ways to challenge you physically the whole family involved and create a reference point from which you can improve . These events require much physical effort and simple sports skills.

Medley relay
The medley relay four family consists of four feet. The first thing I do is measure a distance to create a "track". The size of your title will depend on the amount of space you have physical fitness exercises. No distance. However, the key is to be able to recreate this work again when the time comes to re-test, so you'll want to get an accurate measurement. Tests with the two families was carried out at a basketball court in a gym. One suggestion is to a school or a park that has a playground with a basketball physical fitness exercises.

The purpose of this relay is to complete the four legs of the relay as soon as possible. Record the time it takes to complete the relay. If you have more than four family members competing, so be creative and think of fun and hard in to this relay legs physical fitness exercises.

    Leg: Ramp
    Walk as fast as possible in the distance of the track you created.

    Two legs: Tight Rope
    The challenger must complete the distance around the track to walk the line as if it were a string. Each step must touch the line. If the applicant drops the line, should do well where they fell. Cover the distance as quickly as possible physical fitness exercises.

    The third step: Basketball Dribble
    The challenger must cover the entire distance around the track while dribbling a basketball in one hand and a stick in the other. If the challenger loses the ball should recover and continue where they left off physical fitness exercises.

    Four legs: Full Power Sprint
    Run as fast as you can in the distance of the track you created physical fitness exercises.

Obstacle course
This course also consists of four seasons. These stations require specific and aspects of fitness experience. The idea is to finish the race team as soon as possible. Each team member will compete under and behind the backboard to the patio physical fitness exercises. After each candidate finished his task, he must return to the line and dial the next opponent. Record the time it takes to complete the relay.

Again, if you have more than four family members competing, so be creative and think of fun and hard to add to this relay legs physical fitness exercises.

    Season: jump rope
    The opponent will jump rope 25 times. It is a base jump rope with both feet.

    Two seasons: Basketball Shot
    The challenger must throw a basketball in a circle of one meter physical fitness exercises.

    Throw Football: Season Three
    Use masking tape to create a square on a wall or a fence. From a distance of eight meters, the applicant must throw the ball and hit the inside of the square physical fitness exercises.

    Season Four: Run Cone
    Configure six cones (you can use any object to mark the adjustment) in a zigzag four meters away in opposite directions. The challenger must operate within the course and hit six cones and back to the finish line, tap again all the cones physical fitness exercises.

One minute push-up test
This exercise tests your upper body strength strength / muscle. You need a solid wall and a clock for this test event physical fitness exercises. Start by standing up straight against the wall and place your hands on the wall, with your arms fully extended. From this position, move your feet 12 inches. The heels are slightly off the ground at this time. Draw your navel toward your spine to maintain strong torso physical fitness exercises. (Do not let your belly wobbles around.)

Start with your arms straight and bend your elbows to 90 degrees in the push-up and return to the position of the right arm. Do not lock your elbows physical fitness exercises.

You should already be heated by the previous two, but still a couple of practices pushups, then do, start the test. The goal is to do as many pushups as possible during the period of one minute physical fitness exercises. Make sure you get the whole body involved in the push-up and not just the upper body. Enter total number completed in a minute.

A Minute Squat Test
This exercise tests the lower resistance force / muscle in the body physical fitness exercises. You will need a standard chair and watch during this test. Start by standing right in front of the chair, as if sits firmly planted a little more than shoulder width feet.

Keep well and great with arms crossed in front of chest physical fitness exercises. Only squat where the buttocks (bottom) barely touch the chair and back to the starting position. Make sure your fingers are pointing forward and the knees track directly on the second toe.

You will be heated above tests, but still makes a little practice squatting and begin testing physical fitness exercises. Repeat as many times as possible in one minute. Note the number of squats.

* Do not bend the knees more than 90 degrees. Also, do not exceed a range of motion that is painful for you physical fitness exercises.

One Mile Walk Test
This stress test of strength / endurance. This test can be performed in a pre-measured like you would find in a school, a health club and tennis YMCA physical fitness exercises.

You can also use any open and ample parking, a park, a city block, a building or a tennis court (23 times around equals a mile.) If you use a space that is not pre-measured physical fitness exercises, should measure the distance with a tape measure or car odometer / motorcycle. You will need a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand to record how long it took physical fitness exercises.

The purpose of the test is to walk the distance as fast as possible, walking alone. If you need to stop along the way to rest or have to stop all together, no problem. If you can not make any effort, then record how it was and how long it took physical fitness exercises.

Your warm-up for this test should include stretches for the calves, hamstrings, quads and chest. Take a few minutes to make large, not walk and exaggerated high knee lifts physical fitness exercises.

Again, these tests / assessments can be performed periodically to monitor improvements in your fitness level. The higher your fitness level increases, new opportunities for new and different fitness activities are available to you. The sky is the limit physical fitness exercises.

You may find yourself doing things you do not have the capacity or resistance do in 20 years! Who says adults should not engage in physical fitness? Stay active! The quality of life you will experience amazing physical fitness exercises. Find your business - find your game Enjoy and have fun!

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